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BC Incorporation Form

When you are ready to take your business to the next level, we are here to help you start a new corporation.  As experienced counsel, we focus on the legal details so you can focus on your new venture.  Our BC Incorporation Form should be completed by the person seeking to incorporate and he or she should provide as much information as is possible to ensure that we can assist promptly and effectively.  We recognize that business owners don’t always have some of the required information available to them and sometimes need to consult with their accountants. That is understandable and we ask that the incorporator provide as much information as is requested and where information is unknown, to let us know and we can assist to fill in the gaps or work with your accountant to do so.

Note: By completing this form, a solicitor client relationship should not be assumed as we are required to conduct a conflict check and provide you with an engagement letter as part of our regulatory and best practice requirements before we are fully engaged. While this form intends to gather the most relevant information, we reserve the right to ask for additional information which is necessary to provide effective counsel and assistance to you.

Print this form

If you would rather complete this form on paper, we also offer a PDF version that you can print, then mail or fax to us. (Details within)

    Fields marked with * are required

    A. Client Information

    Your Full Legal Name:

    B. Company Name

    Name Request: Numbered companyNamed company of my choice

    [group group-named-company-choices]

    Please ensure that your proposed name choice contain:

    For more information, please visit our Incorporation Page.


    Corporate Designation: Inc.IncorporatedLtd.LimitedCorp.Corporation

    I would like a RUSH name requestThe name approval will be processed generally within 1-3 business days. There is an additional $100 BC Corporate Registry fee for this service.

    C. Directors & Officers

    [group group-director-1]

    Director 1

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this director be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-director-2]

    Director 2

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this director be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-director-3]

    Director 3

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this director be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-director-4]

    Director 4

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this director be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-director-5]

    Director 5

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this director be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-director-more]

    Six or more directors


    [group group-officer-1]

    Officer 1

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this officer be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-officer-2]

    Officer 2

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this officer be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-officer-3]

    Officer 3

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this officer be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-officer-4]

    Officer 4

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this officer be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-officer-5]

    Officer 5

    Full Legal Name:

    Will this officer be the authorized signatory for the company? YesNo


    [group group-officer-more]

    Six or more Officers


    C. Authorized Share Structure**

    I am unsureOption 1 – Two Classes: Class A Common Voting Without Par Value, and Class B Common Non-Voting Without Par ValueOption 2 – Four Classes: Class A Common Voting Without Par Value, Class B Common Voting Without Par Value, Class C Common Non-Voting Without Par Value, Class D Common Non-Voting Without Par ValueOther

    [group group-share-capital-other]


    ** Before setting up the share structure, we recommend you consult a qualified tax advisor or accountant to confirm that share structure is suitable for your needs, as we do not provide taxation or accounting advice.

    [group group-shareholder-number]

    Number of Shareholders:


    [group group-shareholder-1]

    Shareholder 1

    Is this shareholder a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? *YesNo

    [group group-citizenship-1]


    Is this shareholder a Canadian resident for tax purposes? *The shareholder has residential ties in Canada, or resides in Canada for at least 183 days per year.YesNo


    [group group-shareholder-2]

    Shareholder 2

    Is this shareholder a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? YesNo

    [group group-citizenship-2]


    Is this shareholder a Canadian resident for tax purposes? The shareholder has residential ties in Canada, or resides in Canada for at least 183 days per year.YesNo


    [group group-shareholder-3]

    Shareholder 3

    Is this shareholder a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? YesNo

    [group group-citizenship-3]


    Is this shareholder a Canadian resident for tax purposes? The shareholder has residential ties in Canada, or resides in Canada for at least 183 days per year.YesNo


    [group group-shareholder-4]

    Shareholder 4

    Is this shareholder a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? YesNo

    [group group-citizenship-4]


    Is this shareholder a Canadian resident for tax purposes? The shareholder has residential ties in Canada, or resides in Canada for at least 183 days per year.YesNo


    [group group-shareholder-5]

    Shareholder 5

    Is this shareholder a Canadian citizen or permanent resident? YesNo

    [group group-citizenship-5]


    Is this shareholder a Canadian resident for tax purposes? The shareholder has residential ties in Canada, or resides in Canada for at least 183 days per year.YesNo


    [group group-shareholder-more]

    Six or more Shareholders


    Special Rights & Restrictions

    I wish to incorporate: [radio incorporate-standard default:0 "Using the standard Articles for a BC company" "A professional organization and require special articles as per by profession (i.e. doctor, dentist, lawyer, chiropractor)]

    Please check one: I wish to be the incorporator and take one (1) shareI wish the lawyer to take one (1) share as incorporator to be transferred back to me upon incorporation

    Will Open Door Law be the Registered & Records Office? YesNo

    [group group-records-law-firm]


    Will correspondence for the company be sent to the address of the authorized signatory (primary client) address? YesNo

    [group group-records-correspondence]


    Additional Comments (if any):

    I confirm that Open Door Law Corporation is to incorporate the company on my behalf and I agree to pay all legal fees, taxes and disbursements associated with the incorporation. I further confirm that all information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

    Required Consent and Agreement *

    Contact Us

      Required Consent and Agreement *