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Wills Intake Form

Thank you for selecting Open Door Law to potentially assist you with preparing a Last Will & Testament.  We kindly request that you complete our Wills Intake Form as much as possible.  By completing this form in advance, we can spend more time focusing on your decisions and wishes regarding your estate, as well as the information to coduct our check for conflicts and comply with the Law Society of British Columbia’s identification requirements.  Submission of this form will help us assess your matter and determine if you can assist you.  It should not be inferred that a lawyer client relationship is formed until we confirm this with you.

Please note: This form may not elicit from you all the information you wish to give us or that we will wish to obtain from you.  We reserve the right to request additional information from you either before or during our meeting.  Unless expressly requested to do so, we will not check the names of the registered owners of assets, but will rely on the information you give us.  This form assumes that British Columbia law applies to you. 

Please complete one form per couple if wills are reciprocal.

Print this form

If you would rather complete this form on paper, we also offer a PDF version that you can print, then mail or fax to us. (Details within)

    Fields marked with * are required

    A. Personal Information of the Will Maker

    Your Full Legal Name:

    Do you have a previous will? YesNo

    [group group-will-reason-change]

    Are we revoking the previous will? YesNo


    Do you wish to register your Will with Vital Statistics? (An additional $50 fee applies)YesNo

    [group group-will-kept]


    Marital Status

    MarriedCommon LawSeparatedDivorcedEngagedCohabitingWidowedNever MarriedOther

    [group group-partner]

    Current Spouse/Partner

    Full Legal Name:

    Spouse/partner lives at the same address

    Are we creating a reciprocal will for your spouse/partner? YesNo


    [group group-cohab]

    Are you a party to a cohabitation agreement or prenuptial agreement that limits what your spouse/partner can claim against your estate? YesNoUncertain


    [group group-cohab-agmt]


    [group group-cohab-uncertain]


    [group group-married]

    Have you signed a marriage agreement? YesNo


    [group group-marriage-agmt]


    Have you been previously married or in a common law relationship within the last two (2) years? YesNo

    [group group-prev-partner]

    Previous Spouse(s)/Partner(s)

    Full Legal Name:


    Do you have to pay maintenance to your children or former spouse(s)? YesNo

    [group group-prev-children-maintenance]



    The word “child” means a natural birth child, an adopted child or a step-child that has been adopted by the step-parent.

    Number of children from current marriage, including your spouse or partner’s children:

    [group group-children-1]

    Child 1

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-2]

    Child 2

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-3]

    Child 3

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-4]

    Child 4

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-more]

    Five or more children


    Number of Children from Previous Marriage(s):

    [group group-children-5]

    Child 1

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-6]

    Child 2

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-7]

    Child 3

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-children-8]

    Child 4

    Full Legal Name:

    Please check (if applicable): Has a DisabilityDeceased


    [group group-prev-children-more]

    Five or more children


    If you have children, are they included in your estate plan or is anyone excluded? IncludedExcluded

    [group group-children-estate-excluded]


    If you have children and anticipate potentially having others, or if you have no children and potentially may have them, do you wish to insert language to leave your estate to an unborn child(ren) or will you update your Will if that occurs? I wish to anticipate leaving my estate to an unborn child(ren)I will update my Will later


    Do you require a trust in your will? (Additional fees apply)YesNo

    If yes, please consult our lawyer to discuss further.

    B. Financial Information

    Do you own real estate/ real property (principal residence, recreational properties, or investment properties)? YesNo

    [group group-donor-property]


    Do you own vehicle(s)? YesNo

    [group group-donor-vehicle]


    Do you own your own business/company? YesNo
    If yes, is it incorporated? YesNo

    Do you own shares of a private company, or an interest in a business? YesNo

    [group group-company-shares]

    Do you require a separate corporate will to deal with your corporate interests (please contact our office for more information)? YesNo

    (For more details on multiple wills, please visit our Last Will and Testament page.)


    Do you own assets? (check all that apply)Bank AccountsTax Free Savings Account (TFSA)Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)Non-Registered Investment AccountsPensionsLife InsuranceOther Assets

    [group group-bank-accounts]

    Bank Accounts


    [group group-tfsa]

    Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)


    [group group-rrsp]

    Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)


    [group group-rrif]

    Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)


    [group group-investment]

    Non-Registered Investment Accounts


    [group group-pension]



    [group group-life]

    Life Insurance


    [group group-assets-other]

    Other Assets


    Do you owe any debts? (Check all that apply)MortgageLine of CreditLoansOther Debts

    [group group-mortgage]



    [group group-line-credit]

    Line of Credit


    [group group-loan]



    [group group-debts-other]

    Other Debts


    C. Executor

    (Executor: The person who you appoint to manage and administer your estate)

    Primary Executor

    If you have a spouse, do you wish this person to be your primary executor? YesNo

    [group group-executor-1]

    Please appoint a Primary Executor:

    Primary Executor's Full Legal Name:


    Co-Executor or Alternate Executor

    Would you like to appoint a/an: Alternate ExecutorCo-Executor (joint with primary executor)No, neither is needed

    [group group-executor-alternate]


    Do you wish to remunerate your executor? YesNoNeed Advice (This can be discussed in our meeting with you)

    D. Special Gifts/Cash Legacy

    How many individuals with whom do you wish to leave specific gifts or cash?

    [group group-gift-legacy-1]

    Individual 1


    [group group-gift-legacy-2]

    Individual 2


    [group group-gift-legacy-3]

    Individual 3


    [group group-gift-legacy-4]

    Individual 4


    [group group-gift-legacy-more]


    E. Residue of Estate

    (Beneficiaries: To whom do you want to leave the balance of your estate)

    To whom do you wish to leave the Residue of Your Estate? My spouse, if alive at the time of my demise, and if not then to my children equallyMy spouse, if alive at the time of my demise, and my children equallyMy children equallyNone of the above; I will specify

    [group group-residue-division-other]

    If you are NOT leaving the residue of your estate to your spouse and/or children, please specify the beneficiaries:

    Primary Beneficiaries

    Beneficiary 1

    Full Legal Name:

    Beneficiary 2

    Full Legal Name:

    Three or More Primary beneficiaries

    Alternate beneficiaries

    If none of your primary beneficiaries survive you by thirty (30) days, how do you wish the residue of your estate be distributed?

    Alternate Beneficiary 1 (if applicable)

    Full Legal Name:

    Alternate Beneficiary 2 (if applicable)

    Full Legal Name:

    Three or More Alternate Beneficiaries


    F. Guardianship

    (To be completed if any children under 19 years of age)

    Do you have children under the age of 19? YesNo

    [group group-guardianship-notapply]

    Please skip to the next section. This section is not applicable to you.


    [group group-guardianship-apply]

    Should both yourself and the other parent not survive, please complete the following:

    Primary Guardian

    Full Legal Name:

    Do you desire an Alternate Guardian? YesNo


    [group group-guardianship-apply-alternate]

    Alternate Guardian

    Full Legal Name:


    G. Additional Information

    Funeral Arrangement

    I wish to be: BuriedCrematedAt the Discretion of My Executor

    Have any pre-paid arrangements been made? YesNo


    Do you have any pets for which you wish to leave a gift to the pet carer with a statement in your will that you hope these funds are used to maintain the quality of life and health of your animal(s): YesNo

    [group group-pet-care]

    Do you require a pet trust clause? (Additional fees apply)YesNo


    Other Information (Additional Fees Apply)

    Do you need a Power of Attorney? YesNo

    [group group-poa]

    Do you wish to use your appointed Executor as your appointed Power of attorney as well? YesNo

    If no, please complete our Power of Attorney Intake Form.


    Do you need a Representation Agreement? YesNo

    [group group-rep]

    Do you wish to use your appointed Executor as your appointed Representation as well? YesNo

    If no, please fill out our Representation Agreement (RA9) Intake Form.


    Do you need an Advance Directive? YesNo

    Additional Comments (if any):

    Required Consent and Agreement *

    Contact Us

      Required Consent and Agreement *